This blog was originally created & updated weekly during the Fall 2007 Semester, but I now just periodically add to it when I want to rant.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

No Time

All I can focus on this semester is how little time I have for anything. Sounds kind of ironic coming from someone who just got back from a 5 day vacation, but it is very true. That is the only time I have had to relax, and I am not sure if it was worth the cost. I tried to bust ass getting things done before I left, and now that I am back, I feel like I am behind again. It is just a matter of taking to much credit wise at once, but it is beginning to wear thin. My work I feel is falling short of what I am capable of doing, but I have no extra time to invest in getting it where I want it to be unless I want to sacrifice sleep or income. I only work one day a week at each job, but it adds up to between 15-20 hrs. a week. Everyone thinks you have all kinds of time over the weekend, but NOT TRUE!!! I work a double on Fridays, and a 10 hr. shift on Saturdays. Sunday is the only true day I have off, and during my non-class time during the week, I have about 6-8 hours to take care of everything else daily routine wise. I admit I am a procrastinator, but I truly have had no choice this semester. I am ready to explode. Come on turkey day break.

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