This blog was originally created & updated weekly during the Fall 2007 Semester, but I now just periodically add to it when I want to rant.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Vegas Trip pics

Here are the pics and slowly accumulating short video clips from our huge Vegas trip and the Vegoose festival. I put all the band pics in a subfolder called "Vegoose pics". Keep in mind, I am pretty sure that I didn't spend a completely sober moment the entire 4.5 days we were there. I even took a tall margarita flute thing with me on the plane as a carry-on. Needed lots of recovery time afterward!! In order to see all of the pics I posted, you gotta ask for the secret password. Otherwise, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Photobucket Album

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Man, what do I say? Wish I could have been there. Really do. I'm sitting in my office sometimes wondering what in the hell I got into. Well, I'm here to earn my financial freedom from the ugly dark student loan monkey on my back. It will take some time, but in the end, I will feel 1,000 pounds lighter and the best part is that I plan to settle in Lincoln near my family and friends. That's when my Walden will begin. (ask Scott for the meaning here).

Loved the photos and miss all of you guys..and gals.

