This blog was originally created & updated weekly during the Fall 2007 Semester, but I now just periodically add to it when I want to rant.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Fall Break?

I put a question mark because I really don't consider it a break for me yet. Although I do not have any classes to attend at UNL this Mon. and Tues., I still have my Espanol to go to at SCC downtown. That is rather hectic right now due to all of the homework needing to be done by martes de medianoche for the examen on miercoles. Like my broken spanish? You gotta let me slide, cause I think I am only cuatro weeks in at this point. It's the verbs that are giving me problems.

But the real reason I don't consider it a break is that I am trying to get caught up or ahead in all of my classes at la universidad as well over the break due to the Vegoose trip I leave for on Thurs. afternoon. We don't come back until very late Mon. night, and I am very anxious because all of the costume gear is in, I got to try out my new camera I just purchased on Fri. night at the Chicago Afrobeat show at the Zoo, and it is SWEEEEET. I can do so much with this bad boy. It even lets me record audio in stereo for over 2 hours on a 2GB card. I can also take snapshots while in the middle of shooting a video w/o interruption to it. I am sure I will have plenty to share after the extended weekend trip.

I made a very good dent in Spanish homework and Typography layouts today. Martes en la manana (Tues. in the Morning), I am going to try to finish some sketch work for drawing that I need to make up, and hopefully a little flash for publication afterward. I have Wed. night for that also, so it might get put off until then just cause of the intense workload.

Wish me luck.

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