This blog was originally created & updated weekly during the Fall 2007 Semester, but I now just periodically add to it when I want to rant.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Similar Web design author

Just noticed today that the same person who designed the majority of the "official" CSS Zen Garden sites (Dave Shea) also has done the different templates for the Blogger site as well. Now I am wondering if he has done others for larger websites. Just goes to show you that since he enabled himself more time to design rather than program, surely it added to his time to make significant earnings from emerging websites. I will add to this if I find any more by him.

The other thing about this is that I think that after learning some CSS basics, I will be able to modify my own blog page (and hopefully some of my other pages) using it.

I also was curious about Dave Shea's own website, so I found his own blog page HERE. It has contact info as well, so if you come across a question that can't be answered by the book or John, this might turn out to be a valuable resource.
Check it out if you are interested.

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