This blog was originally created & updated weekly during the Fall 2007 Semester, but I now just periodically add to it when I want to rant.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Creative Entry?

Our only requirement for these postings (besides having three a week) is to have each entry be creative. I realize that this is for a Publication Design class, so does that place any limitation on the content being for this class, or can it represent work for others? Can it be unrelated work for personal gain? Does the work have to be present, or can it be past work, unfinished, in process, etc.?

Speaking of that, since I didn't post all of this stuff on my MySpace blog, I kind of wanted to get ideas/feedback on past artwork (paintings, sculpture, architectural models & plans, drawings, and related) that I would like to revisit or would consider altering in some way.

I have created a portfolio of my work according to what I thought the Architecture college would like for entry into the third year of the program. After talking with the Associate Dean of the college, I am still unsure. He gave me suggestions of how to improve it, but did not say that it was bad work. So I believe what I am dealing with is a layout problem (from what I interpreted from him). I will post the pages I submitted in future blog, and can also post pics of individual works if more detail is needed. I figure this is a great starting point for Graphic Design as well as refining my presentation of my Architecture skills. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

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