This blog was originally created & updated weekly during the Fall 2007 Semester, but I now just periodically add to it when I want to rant.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Rocked my Exam!!

Just found out that I answered all but one question correctly on my Art History exam today. I was super glad, because even though I have had an Architecture history course prior to this, the instructor is different. So being that she teaches in a little different format, I didn't know quite what to expect. I should note that there were 3 extra credit questions on the exam of artworks we knew nothing about, but had to know the characteristics of each. So I probably missed 4 questions, but saved myself with those extras.

We only have 2 more exams, and then the final, so this was worth quite a bit. Score one for me!! The study group I organized was very haphazard, but it helped just going over everything I had for notes, and comparing them to others was helping me fill in the blanks and making things more familiar to me.

It is very interesting to observe the changes and similarities in style according to area of the artist and prevolent rulers and religion. Religion does bug me a bit though. I didn't want to take a theology class, but due to the artwork that was created, you are kind of forced to. So you learn about Christianity and other popular religions whether you want to or not. So much for seperation of church and state.

Also, I went to my first software workshop in about a year and a half. This one was surprisingly better. There were a few things I didn't know that I learned, instead of just different ways to do commands. I guess it depends on the class, but I consider myself having above average knowledge of Photoshop, and I have used it for over 4 years now. Quite a feat (and a program) to still learn something new.

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