This blog was originally created & updated weekly during the Fall 2007 Semester, but I now just periodically add to it when I want to rant.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

OK, now I have been slacking on the blog entries. But I will try to make up for it.

First off, I felt bad because it was the first birthday my brother has had a few days ago that he hasn't been in town to celebrate it with the fam. He moved out to San Diego late last year, and has been loving it. However, my sis was there for it. It was her first time out to visit, so I am the only one left that hasn't gone out to see him yet. I am broke, what can I say?

I am jealous of the fact that he gets to surf in his leisure time quite a bit. I think that would be such a fun hobby to take up. Just something about just you and the huge amount of water. Being able to somewhat harness the power of nature has got to be amazing! I have heard from various documentaries that it has been getting quite crowded in the last decade, so that could become a buzzkill.

Anyway, that's all for now. Tell my bro happy belated B-Day.

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