This blog was originally created & updated weekly during the Fall 2007 Semester, but I now just periodically add to it when I want to rant.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Flash Animation frustration

I have program problems...SURPRISE!!
We are supposed to have a 5 second animation in flash ready today, and I gave up my book to Catherine, so I can't look things up on motion tween. I tried the help menu, but that sucks. So I am just going to explain my idea. I am going to take the picture posted, and first paint the star like brush strokes, and then write the text as if it is handwritten. Also, I am going to put it on a white background, so I can write the text with black strokes. I might have to abandon the last part because I am a beginner. But the star thing I thought I could do with a white rectangle blocking the red brush stroke, and then applying a motion to the blocking to slowly move it out of the way. So much for that. All I was able to do is create the custom brush stroke in Photoshop, open it & save it as an Illustrator file, import it to the library in flash, and place it where it should go on the stage. You don't have access to custom brushes in Flash. Anyway, hopefully it will work out when I know what I am doing with a book resource. Wish me luck.

P.S. either no body knows what the hell I am talking about or cares enough to comment, so I will just bitch to myself. GRRRRRR...

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