This blog was originally created & updated weekly during the Fall 2007 Semester, but I now just periodically add to it when I want to rant.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Just got done watching a marathon of a show that I didn't realize I had access to before. We have a DVR from Time Warner downstairs (not as good as TiVo...) that gets the digital tier. That not only includes the music channels, but the 200's range as well. I discovered IFC (Independent Film Channel) and this is the channel "The Henry Rollins Show" is on.

I can't rant like he does, but his shows are very informative and open minded. And I am not just saying that because I enjoy the show. There has often been interviews with guests that I don't find much interest in due to past work that they have done, and I come away from the show having a better idea of why they do what they do. That makes more sense to me.

Why does anyone do what they do? Why do some people get motivated from things or causes that you or others find little interest in, or feel it not as important. I have always respected him as a rational thinker, and his opinions on anything you can tell are contemplated in his mind to full extends until it makes sense to him, often when is does not to others. I recommend going to his site just to find a piece of his wisdom.

His "letters from Henry" bit, as well as the show opening "Teeing Off" are where he expresses his feelings on whatever, but it usually has something to do with current events, or a tie in to a long time controversy. At the very least, he is very passionate about what he does, and what he is capable of doing.

Anyway, I hope you discover for yourself.
The Henry Rollins Show on IFC

Here is his rant on a so-called mission statement for the show:
Keep in mind that many of these are UNCENSORED. Not for the easily offended.

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