This blog was originally created & updated weekly during the Fall 2007 Semester, but I now just periodically add to it when I want to rant.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Selling My CD's (sad but true)

I also wanted to give a "Heads Up" to those of you that I know, and I will be passing the word along in an email in the future, but I am going to sell my ever-growing CD collection in it's near entirety (only keeping a select few) in around a month. I have already calculated what all of my CD's are worth on Amazon, which is where I plan to sell most of them. The storefront I have on there has already been started, but only a few things are listed (none of my purchased CD's). For future use, my Amazon store is located HERE. So if any of you out there reading this know of a particular CD of mine that you would want, let me know before I list it so you can get first crack at it. Chances are I will cut you a deal since I will know whoever is reading this blog. The main reason for doing this is not only is my collection getting larger than I can handle to move, but I see everything in the music industry going digital. Very sad to me since artwork, liner notes, credits, etc. kind of get lost in the process. I think vinyl is kind of getting a resurgence also due to this, but also because of many analog recordings that are not available otherwise. I may also sell a few to the shops here in town, but they don't really give you a good deal, and I need college cash very badly. Help a professional student out!!

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