This blog was originally created & updated weekly during the Fall 2007 Semester, but I now just periodically add to it when I want to rant.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Picture & Video posting from 2006 Vegoose, Lollapalooza, & Wakarusa festivals
Just wanted to let everyone know that after gathering and posting all of the Vegoose pics & flix from this year, it inspired me to look at all of the festival stuff I have captured from years past. So I am slowly adding pictures and small videos to my Photobucket page from Vegoose 2006 & 2007, Lollapalooza 2006, Wakarusa 2006 & 2007. For the videos larger than 100MB, they will go on my YouTube account under Kiedis1616. It is pretty cool to relive all these festival experiences, and hopefully even better will be added in the future. I have had such a good time at all of these festivals with good friends & music, I hope the tradition lives on for many more years.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
theNEWDEAL website
Just wanted to say that I was searching various band sites for logo ideas for my typography class, and realized that this would be a good example of a flash site. I think it has a very good use of animation and sound, without overdoing it (so it doesn't load slowly). The band is called theNEWDEAL, and there website is here: Not to mention, I really like their music too, but they are from New York, and I don't think they have ever toured in the midwest other than Chicago. I don't feel like travelling 8 hrs. to see them, but maybe a festival soon? Hope so.
While I am at it, I think a bad example of flash use is the My Coke Rewards site. It is extremely slow to load, and they use flash in areas where it is unnecessary. I don't think it ever completly loads due to all the little promos they try to pack on the home page. The only reason I found this site is because I enter my codes from 12 packs and bottle caps here for various things. Kind of like how Camel Cash and Marlboro Miles used to be when I was a smoker. I quit, and they quit.
While I am at it, I think a bad example of flash use is the My Coke Rewards site. It is extremely slow to load, and they use flash in areas where it is unnecessary. I don't think it ever completly loads due to all the little promos they try to pack on the home page. The only reason I found this site is because I enter my codes from 12 packs and bottle caps here for various things. Kind of like how Camel Cash and Marlboro Miles used to be when I was a smoker. I quit, and they quit.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Architecture Portfolio Pages
I wanted to post my portfolio submission for third year admission. This was for the College of Architecture, not graphic design, so the emphasis is a little different. Any suggestions on what to keep, change, get rid of, add, etc. (with reasoning) would be greatly appreciated.


Monday, November 12, 2007
Holiday & Birthday madness
This is the crazy birthday month for me. My brother's (who I have already talked about), is midway through October, and it is just a warning that holiday madness is about to ensue. After his, we get Halloween, then Nov. 2nd is my mom, my roommate, and one of my good friends I have known since 7th grade. We just went out for my dad's b'day on the 12th, and I will go out again for my friend Mike's on the 18th, and I am sure I will get crazy on my own on the 24th (or the closest Sat. night to it). Don't forget about turkey day. Not my birthday this year, but it has happened on 4 different occasions. I am only 2 days off in 2007. Then it gets even more nuts because we have to x-mas shop, visit with everyone that comes back to Lincoln to stay with family for the holidays, and then Christmas & New Year's in one week. I also have a buddy I have known since I was 1 yr old (our families are friends) that has a b-day on Dec. 26th. So we celebrate that at the Grapevine at the stroke of midnight, or last call, whichever we hear first.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Vegoose Videos
Just wanted to put a link to the longer videos I had taken from the Vegoose weekend. I still need to add a few as of now, but that will probably be done over the weekend. Enjoy! I personally like the Thievery Corporation video the best out of what I have posted. Wish I could have captured a longer Daft Punk, but I have lots of short ones.
These are not all of the videos I took at the festival, there are also shorter ones within the Photobucket account. So if you don't see the band you are looking for, go to the blog prior to this and click on the picture of Rob to get the rest.
These are not all of the videos I took at the festival, there are also shorter ones within the Photobucket account. So if you don't see the band you are looking for, go to the blog prior to this and click on the picture of Rob to get the rest.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The Vegas Trip pics
Here are the pics and slowly accumulating short video clips from our huge Vegas trip and the Vegoose festival. I put all the band pics in a subfolder called "Vegoose pics". Keep in mind, I am pretty sure that I didn't spend a completely sober moment the entire 4.5 days we were there. I even took a tall margarita flute thing with me on the plane as a carry-on. Needed lots of recovery time afterward!! In order to see all of the pics I posted, you gotta ask for the secret password. Otherwise, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Vegas Summary
My trip was so much fun. The best thing about it was that I got to see 17 of my good friends for 5 days straight. We lived it up like we were all rock stars.
The first night we just got to party in a posh hotel suite on the 30th floor of Planet Hollywood. The picture window wall overlooked the strip towards MGM Grand, Mandalay Bay, The Luxor, and many other attractions. Good catching up with the out-of-towners, and those people in our group that I haven't talked to in a long time.
The next night we all suited up and went to a club at the Mirage called Jet. We had a table big enough for 8 or so, but we had a good time none the less. I think we went through 7 bottles. Each bottle is at least $300, and we rode in limos there and back. What a bunch of drunk fools. Got lots of hilaroius pics.
The next two nights were when the Vegoose festival was happening. Very cool to see lots of bands I have not seen before. Daft Punk, Muse, Public Enemy, Iggy & The Stooges, and many others that I discovered shortly before I left via MySpace.
Will post many pics/vids when I get home and I have time to organize all of them. I have about 2 gigs worth of stuff from the trip overall. Very anxious to look at & share it.
The first night we just got to party in a posh hotel suite on the 30th floor of Planet Hollywood. The picture window wall overlooked the strip towards MGM Grand, Mandalay Bay, The Luxor, and many other attractions. Good catching up with the out-of-towners, and those people in our group that I haven't talked to in a long time.
The next night we all suited up and went to a club at the Mirage called Jet. We had a table big enough for 8 or so, but we had a good time none the less. I think we went through 7 bottles. Each bottle is at least $300, and we rode in limos there and back. What a bunch of drunk fools. Got lots of hilaroius pics.
The next two nights were when the Vegoose festival was happening. Very cool to see lots of bands I have not seen before. Daft Punk, Muse, Public Enemy, Iggy & The Stooges, and many others that I discovered shortly before I left via MySpace.
Will post many pics/vids when I get home and I have time to organize all of them. I have about 2 gigs worth of stuff from the trip overall. Very anxious to look at & share it.
No Time
All I can focus on this semester is how little time I have for anything. Sounds kind of ironic coming from someone who just got back from a 5 day vacation, but it is very true. That is the only time I have had to relax, and I am not sure if it was worth the cost. I tried to bust ass getting things done before I left, and now that I am back, I feel like I am behind again. It is just a matter of taking to much credit wise at once, but it is beginning to wear thin. My work I feel is falling short of what I am capable of doing, but I have no extra time to invest in getting it where I want it to be unless I want to sacrifice sleep or income. I only work one day a week at each job, but it adds up to between 15-20 hrs. a week. Everyone thinks you have all kinds of time over the weekend, but NOT TRUE!!! I work a double on Fridays, and a 10 hr. shift on Saturdays. Sunday is the only true day I have off, and during my non-class time during the week, I have about 6-8 hours to take care of everything else daily routine wise. I admit I am a procrastinator, but I truly have had no choice this semester. I am ready to explode. Come on turkey day break.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Fall Break?
I put a question mark because I really don't consider it a break for me yet. Although I do not have any classes to attend at UNL this Mon. and Tues., I still have my Espanol to go to at SCC downtown. That is rather hectic right now due to all of the homework needing to be done by martes de medianoche for the examen on miercoles. Like my broken spanish? You gotta let me slide, cause I think I am only cuatro weeks in at this point. It's the verbs that are giving me problems.
But the real reason I don't consider it a break is that I am trying to get caught up or ahead in all of my classes at la universidad as well over the break due to the Vegoose trip I leave for on Thurs. afternoon. We don't come back until very late Mon. night, and I am very anxious because all of the costume gear is in, I got to try out my new camera I just purchased on Fri. night at the Chicago Afrobeat show at the Zoo, and it is SWEEEEET. I can do so much with this bad boy. It even lets me record audio in stereo for over 2 hours on a 2GB card. I can also take snapshots while in the middle of shooting a video w/o interruption to it. I am sure I will have plenty to share after the extended weekend trip.
I made a very good dent in Spanish homework and Typography layouts today. Martes en la manana (Tues. in the Morning), I am going to try to finish some sketch work for drawing that I need to make up, and hopefully a little flash for publication afterward. I have Wed. night for that also, so it might get put off until then just cause of the intense workload.
Wish me luck.
But the real reason I don't consider it a break is that I am trying to get caught up or ahead in all of my classes at la universidad as well over the break due to the Vegoose trip I leave for on Thurs. afternoon. We don't come back until very late Mon. night, and I am very anxious because all of the costume gear is in, I got to try out my new camera I just purchased on Fri. night at the Chicago Afrobeat show at the Zoo, and it is SWEEEEET. I can do so much with this bad boy. It even lets me record audio in stereo for over 2 hours on a 2GB card. I can also take snapshots while in the middle of shooting a video w/o interruption to it. I am sure I will have plenty to share after the extended weekend trip.
I made a very good dent in Spanish homework and Typography layouts today. Martes en la manana (Tues. in the Morning), I am going to try to finish some sketch work for drawing that I need to make up, and hopefully a little flash for publication afterward. I have Wed. night for that also, so it might get put off until then just cause of the intense workload.
Wish me luck.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
OK, now I have been slacking on the blog entries. But I will try to make up for it.
First off, I felt bad because it was the first birthday my brother has had a few days ago that he hasn't been in town to celebrate it with the fam. He moved out to San Diego late last year, and has been loving it. However, my sis was there for it. It was her first time out to visit, so I am the only one left that hasn't gone out to see him yet. I am broke, what can I say?
I am jealous of the fact that he gets to surf in his leisure time quite a bit. I think that would be such a fun hobby to take up. Just something about just you and the huge amount of water. Being able to somewhat harness the power of nature has got to be amazing! I have heard from various documentaries that it has been getting quite crowded in the last decade, so that could become a buzzkill.
Anyway, that's all for now. Tell my bro happy belated B-Day.
First off, I felt bad because it was the first birthday my brother has had a few days ago that he hasn't been in town to celebrate it with the fam. He moved out to San Diego late last year, and has been loving it. However, my sis was there for it. It was her first time out to visit, so I am the only one left that hasn't gone out to see him yet. I am broke, what can I say?
I am jealous of the fact that he gets to surf in his leisure time quite a bit. I think that would be such a fun hobby to take up. Just something about just you and the huge amount of water. Being able to somewhat harness the power of nature has got to be amazing! I have heard from various documentaries that it has been getting quite crowded in the last decade, so that could become a buzzkill.
Anyway, that's all for now. Tell my bro happy belated B-Day.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Flash Animation frustration
I have program problems...SURPRISE!!
We are supposed to have a 5 second animation in flash ready today, and I gave up my book to Catherine, so I can't look things up on motion tween. I tried the help menu, but that sucks. So I am just going to explain my idea. I am going to take the picture posted, and first paint the star like brush strokes, and then write the text as if it is handwritten. Also, I am going to put it on a white background, so I can write the text with black strokes. I might have to abandon the last part because I am a beginner. But the star thing I thought I could do with a white rectangle blocking the red brush stroke, and then applying a motion to the blocking to slowly move it out of the way. So much for that. All I was able to do is create the custom brush stroke in Photoshop, open it & save it as an Illustrator file, import it to the library in flash, and place it where it should go on the stage. You don't have access to custom brushes in Flash. Anyway, hopefully it will work out when I know what I am doing with a book resource. Wish me luck.

P.S. either no body knows what the hell I am talking about or cares enough to comment, so I will just bitch to myself. GRRRRRR...
We are supposed to have a 5 second animation in flash ready today, and I gave up my book to Catherine, so I can't look things up on motion tween. I tried the help menu, but that sucks. So I am just going to explain my idea. I am going to take the picture posted, and first paint the star like brush strokes, and then write the text as if it is handwritten. Also, I am going to put it on a white background, so I can write the text with black strokes. I might have to abandon the last part because I am a beginner. But the star thing I thought I could do with a white rectangle blocking the red brush stroke, and then applying a motion to the blocking to slowly move it out of the way. So much for that. All I was able to do is create the custom brush stroke in Photoshop, open it & save it as an Illustrator file, import it to the library in flash, and place it where it should go on the stage. You don't have access to custom brushes in Flash. Anyway, hopefully it will work out when I know what I am doing with a book resource. Wish me luck.

P.S. either no body knows what the hell I am talking about or cares enough to comment, so I will just bitch to myself. GRRRRRR...
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Spanish and Costume Beginnings
Well, the ball is rolling on the road to Espanol. I am doing fine so far, but it is early yet. Got to keep on top of these things. Some of the greetings that vary from different spanish speaking countries is a little weird. The instructor told us that (I think Spain) the government was trying to ban the standard "air Kiss" greeting, because saying "hi" to everyone was eating up too much of the workday. You need legislation for this???
And the pieces of Vegoose costumes are coming together. Ordered the Tank top jerseys today, with the logos printed on them. What do you think?
And the pieces of Vegoose costumes are coming together. Ordered the Tank top jerseys today, with the logos printed on them. What do you think?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Just got done watching a marathon of a show that I didn't realize I had access to before. We have a DVR from Time Warner downstairs (not as good as TiVo...) that gets the digital tier. That not only includes the music channels, but the 200's range as well. I discovered IFC (Independent Film Channel) and this is the channel "The Henry Rollins Show" is on.
I can't rant like he does, but his shows are very informative and open minded. And I am not just saying that because I enjoy the show. There has often been interviews with guests that I don't find much interest in due to past work that they have done, and I come away from the show having a better idea of why they do what they do. That makes more sense to me.
Why does anyone do what they do? Why do some people get motivated from things or causes that you or others find little interest in, or feel it not as important. I have always respected him as a rational thinker, and his opinions on anything you can tell are contemplated in his mind to full extends until it makes sense to him, often when is does not to others. I recommend going to his site just to find a piece of his wisdom.
His "letters from Henry" bit, as well as the show opening "Teeing Off" are where he expresses his feelings on whatever, but it usually has something to do with current events, or a tie in to a long time controversy. At the very least, he is very passionate about what he does, and what he is capable of doing.
Anyway, I hope you discover for yourself.
The Henry Rollins Show on IFC
Here is his rant on a so-called mission statement for the show:
Keep in mind that many of these are UNCENSORED. Not for the easily offended.
I can't rant like he does, but his shows are very informative and open minded. And I am not just saying that because I enjoy the show. There has often been interviews with guests that I don't find much interest in due to past work that they have done, and I come away from the show having a better idea of why they do what they do. That makes more sense to me.
Why does anyone do what they do? Why do some people get motivated from things or causes that you or others find little interest in, or feel it not as important. I have always respected him as a rational thinker, and his opinions on anything you can tell are contemplated in his mind to full extends until it makes sense to him, often when is does not to others. I recommend going to his site just to find a piece of his wisdom.
His "letters from Henry" bit, as well as the show opening "Teeing Off" are where he expresses his feelings on whatever, but it usually has something to do with current events, or a tie in to a long time controversy. At the very least, he is very passionate about what he does, and what he is capable of doing.
Anyway, I hope you discover for yourself.
The Henry Rollins Show on IFC
Here is his rant on a so-called mission statement for the show:
Keep in mind that many of these are UNCENSORED. Not for the easily offended.
current events,
Rocked my Exam!!
Just found out that I answered all but one question correctly on my Art History exam today. I was super glad, because even though I have had an Architecture history course prior to this, the instructor is different. So being that she teaches in a little different format, I didn't know quite what to expect. I should note that there were 3 extra credit questions on the exam of artworks we knew nothing about, but had to know the characteristics of each. So I probably missed 4 questions, but saved myself with those extras.
We only have 2 more exams, and then the final, so this was worth quite a bit. Score one for me!! The study group I organized was very haphazard, but it helped just going over everything I had for notes, and comparing them to others was helping me fill in the blanks and making things more familiar to me.
It is very interesting to observe the changes and similarities in style according to area of the artist and prevolent rulers and religion. Religion does bug me a bit though. I didn't want to take a theology class, but due to the artwork that was created, you are kind of forced to. So you learn about Christianity and other popular religions whether you want to or not. So much for seperation of church and state.
Also, I went to my first software workshop in about a year and a half. This one was surprisingly better. There were a few things I didn't know that I learned, instead of just different ways to do commands. I guess it depends on the class, but I consider myself having above average knowledge of Photoshop, and I have used it for over 4 years now. Quite a feat (and a program) to still learn something new.
We only have 2 more exams, and then the final, so this was worth quite a bit. Score one for me!! The study group I organized was very haphazard, but it helped just going over everything I had for notes, and comparing them to others was helping me fill in the blanks and making things more familiar to me.
It is very interesting to observe the changes and similarities in style according to area of the artist and prevolent rulers and religion. Religion does bug me a bit though. I didn't want to take a theology class, but due to the artwork that was created, you are kind of forced to. So you learn about Christianity and other popular religions whether you want to or not. So much for seperation of church and state.
Also, I went to my first software workshop in about a year and a half. This one was surprisingly better. There were a few things I didn't know that I learned, instead of just different ways to do commands. I guess it depends on the class, but I consider myself having above average knowledge of Photoshop, and I have used it for over 4 years now. Quite a feat (and a program) to still learn something new.
art history,
Thursday, September 27, 2007
New RAM & Vegoose baby!!
I just wanted to add that after now creating a live site, and learning some of the basics to change color, pictures, placement, and even a little stationary vs. movement, I am anxious to try more.
I am going to change my live site listing to the suggestions and comments I got in class and try to make a few more improvements when I have a moment or two. Learning this CSS is fun, but very time consuming!!
BTW, I also put new RAM chips in my laptop last Tues. before the class so I could install Adobe Creative Suite 3. I only had 512MB, and it needed 1GB, which is the most I could install that my laptop will recognize. It is over 4 yrs. old and still going... (I am crossing my fingers for another 1 or 2). So if you know anyone that wants to buy a couple of laptop 256MB RAM chips, let me know. They still work great, just not enough for me anymore.
And I am getting very excited for Vegoose coming in less than a month. There is going to be 18 people in our group going to the 2 day show in Vegas, but we are staying for 4. We are trying to come up with a common costume for all of us in the group that is non-gender bias, and isn't too hot during the day. We will be outside for around 12 hrs. for those two days in costume, so I don't want to be a sweaty man if I don't have to be. We have a couple of ideas, but could always use more. Any suggestions? This is probably going to sound stupid, but it's Halloween, so embrace your stupidness. I want to go as old school 1970's NBA players with mesh tank tops and shorts, make a logo for the jerseys, put a nickname on the back for everyone, and top it off with long tube socks (w/ the stripes), and a HUGE afro wig. Can't beat strutting around with 17 of your teammates among 10,000+ people with your shades on. We would be such rock stars.
Can you give me something that tops that?
P.S. - I got my White Stripes tickets refunded today - Still sad....
I am going to change my live site listing to the suggestions and comments I got in class and try to make a few more improvements when I have a moment or two. Learning this CSS is fun, but very time consuming!!
BTW, I also put new RAM chips in my laptop last Tues. before the class so I could install Adobe Creative Suite 3. I only had 512MB, and it needed 1GB, which is the most I could install that my laptop will recognize. It is over 4 yrs. old and still going... (I am crossing my fingers for another 1 or 2). So if you know anyone that wants to buy a couple of laptop 256MB RAM chips, let me know. They still work great, just not enough for me anymore.
And I am getting very excited for Vegoose coming in less than a month. There is going to be 18 people in our group going to the 2 day show in Vegas, but we are staying for 4. We are trying to come up with a common costume for all of us in the group that is non-gender bias, and isn't too hot during the day. We will be outside for around 12 hrs. for those two days in costume, so I don't want to be a sweaty man if I don't have to be. We have a couple of ideas, but could always use more. Any suggestions? This is probably going to sound stupid, but it's Halloween, so embrace your stupidness. I want to go as old school 1970's NBA players with mesh tank tops and shorts, make a logo for the jerseys, put a nickname on the back for everyone, and top it off with long tube socks (w/ the stripes), and a HUGE afro wig. Can't beat strutting around with 17 of your teammates among 10,000+ people with your shades on. We would be such rock stars.
Can you give me something that tops that?
P.S. - I got my White Stripes tickets refunded today - Still sad....
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Artist/Sculptor Inspiration
I wanted to contribute some artists that I am interested in that I discovered last year in my sculpture class. I find sculpture very diverse in the sense that you can pretty much work with whatever or an endless number of mediums. This lends to very creative thinking on how just the material choices can interact with each other to create a reaction rather than just the form or technique.
Hope this gives some inspiration and ideas to someone.
Antony Gormley

This is a shot of his work called
"Angel of the North" The size of this thing is gigantic!! He does a lot of work with altering a simplified human form in many more permanent materials, such as metal, and creating a void or emptiness in many that is somehow easily filled by observing the work. The implied dimensionality is fantastic.
David Mach

I just like this guy for his sense of either using everyday household or commonly used items, not usually treated as art medium. Makes for interesting pieces. Also, how he is not held back by accepting that his work does not have to be permanent.
This is a pic of his "Down Under" installation. It is attached to a skylight above. Really cool how he blends the foaming water with her legs, and the placement of the piece is great.
Ernest Trova
He doesn't have his own website showing all of his work, but his take on human form is slightly different than most sculptors. He is also famous for his silkscreen work. It should also be noted that he has no "official" art school training.
Hope this gives some inspiration and ideas to someone.
Antony Gormley

This is a shot of his work called
"Angel of the North" The size of this thing is gigantic!! He does a lot of work with altering a simplified human form in many more permanent materials, such as metal, and creating a void or emptiness in many that is somehow easily filled by observing the work. The implied dimensionality is fantastic.
David Mach

I just like this guy for his sense of either using everyday household or commonly used items, not usually treated as art medium. Makes for interesting pieces. Also, how he is not held back by accepting that his work does not have to be permanent.
This is a pic of his "Down Under" installation. It is attached to a skylight above. Really cool how he blends the foaming water with her legs, and the placement of the piece is great.
Ernest Trova

He doesn't have his own website showing all of his work, but his take on human form is slightly different than most sculptors. He is also famous for his silkscreen work. It should also be noted that he has no "official" art school training.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Jah Roots Show
This post is partly just because I wanted to try posting a video on my blog, and I went to a show last Friday at Knickerbockers. The lighting is pretty crappy for the video. If you have ever been to Knickerbockers, the lighting is always bad. I usually have better luck at the Zoo. I took it with my old digital camera, so keep in mind I am no professional.
If you couldn't tell, I am a concert junkie.
This is a sweet reggae band from Springfield, MO that I have seen around 5-6 times now. They first played a show in Lincoln with my buddy's old band RC Dub. They have since played at Wakarusa outside of Lawrence, KS (in 2006), and I have also seen them here in town at the Zoo Bar, Knickerbockers, and at Murphy's Lounge up in Omaha. I definitely recommend checking them out.
Jah Roots websites:
If you go to the CD Baby website, there are links to download via iTunes.
They have also posted some demo and bootleg shows on These are all free to download, so if you enjoy their songs, this is the way to go!
Also, if you are free on Oct. 10th, check out another band I like and have seen many times, but none under there new name. They are now called "The Angel/Devil" (formerly "The Gooding Band") and the new CD is good stuff. It only has 7 songs, so I am wondering what else they will play...
If you couldn't tell, I am a concert junkie.
This is a sweet reggae band from Springfield, MO that I have seen around 5-6 times now. They first played a show in Lincoln with my buddy's old band RC Dub. They have since played at Wakarusa outside of Lawrence, KS (in 2006), and I have also seen them here in town at the Zoo Bar, Knickerbockers, and at Murphy's Lounge up in Omaha. I definitely recommend checking them out.
Jah Roots websites:
If you go to the CD Baby website, there are links to download via iTunes.
They have also posted some demo and bootleg shows on These are all free to download, so if you enjoy their songs, this is the way to go!
Also, if you are free on Oct. 10th, check out another band I like and have seen many times, but none under there new name. They are now called "The Angel/Devil" (formerly "The Gooding Band") and the new CD is good stuff. It only has 7 songs, so I am wondering what else they will play...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tangeble Accomplishment
Well, I am finally done with my drafting desk that I constructed a frame for from scratch. The desktop I had purchased for my 2nd year studio in Architecture, as well as the straight edge. Together they were more than $100 new, and I wasn't using them. I debated on selling them, but I didn't think I would nearly get out of it what I paid.
The desks I owned were small and portable (you could disassemble them easily), but had begun falling into disrepair. I figured I would just copy the models I had and build a frame from wood using my drafting/construction knowledge.
I am very happy with the result. The only thing I need to add is a couple of knobs on the back to adjust the table angle by hand. I had to improvise and bought some conduit and junction box feeders to attach underneath. For the amount it raises, it works well. Now I have much more room to work, and it is already getting plenty of use, as you can see by the picture.
There is just something nice about creating something that you can use. I know I will get plenty of use from this for years to come.
Similar Web design author
Just noticed today that the same person who designed the majority of the "official" CSS Zen Garden sites (Dave Shea) also has done the different templates for the Blogger site as well. Now I am wondering if he has done others for larger websites. Just goes to show you that since he enabled himself more time to design rather than program, surely it added to his time to make significant earnings from emerging websites. I will add to this if I find any more by him.
The other thing about this is that I think that after learning some CSS basics, I will be able to modify my own blog page (and hopefully some of my other pages) using it.
I also was curious about Dave Shea's own website, so I found his own blog page HERE. It has contact info as well, so if you come across a question that can't be answered by the book or John, this might turn out to be a valuable resource.
Check it out if you are interested.
The other thing about this is that I think that after learning some CSS basics, I will be able to modify my own blog page (and hopefully some of my other pages) using it.
I also was curious about Dave Shea's own website, so I found his own blog page HERE. It has contact info as well, so if you come across a question that can't be answered by the book or John, this might turn out to be a valuable resource.
Check it out if you are interested.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Student Workshops
Just a quick reminder to myself and anyone else interested that they just posted a schedule for Software Learning workshops here on campus.
Sign in with your blackboard ID and password HERE
(or paste this)
The workshop calendar on is the easiest for me to follow.
Hope it helps.
Sign in with your blackboard ID and password HERE
(or paste this)
The workshop calendar on is the easiest for me to follow.
Hope it helps.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
CSS Zen Garden Sites
For this blog I am supposed to pick two CSS layouts from and list 3 positive and 3 negative aspects of each. CSS is just an overlay to manipulate HTML code quickly and easily. After spending some time looking at many layouts, I picked many more than 2 that I am interested in, but for the sake of keeping this short, I will pick 2 of the ones that got my attention.
I hate tables by Philippe Piotait -
Positive aspects:
1. Many subtle details (corner turns, some shadows, pin indentations)
2. Weathered/Used look on computer is nice change.
3. Information is easily found.
Negative aspects:
1. Doesn't utilize entire space well past top.
2. Hyperlinks hard to see on lined paper
3. Could use more color changes (subtle)
Mondrian by Chris Fletcher -
Positive aspects:
1. Font changes are used well, not overdone. Hyperlinks easily seen by color changes.
2. Information broke up into categories.
3. Color changes break up repetition, but maintain simplicity.
Negative aspects:
1. No use of pictures, could enhance in areas if used sparingly.
2. Grid structure forces text in frame. Why not create frame with text itself in areas?
3. Reading pattern changes from top to bottom. No gaps left to right, then different grids followed by empty areas. Pick one and maintain consistency.
Others that get honorable mentions:
#094 DECO -
Tailor Made by Rob Morris -
CSS Zen Ocean by Kai Laborenz
RelaxationTime by Escofier Adeline
I hate tables by Philippe Piotait -
Positive aspects:
1. Many subtle details (corner turns, some shadows, pin indentations)
2. Weathered/Used look on computer is nice change.
3. Information is easily found.
Negative aspects:
1. Doesn't utilize entire space well past top.
2. Hyperlinks hard to see on lined paper
3. Could use more color changes (subtle)
Mondrian by Chris Fletcher -
Positive aspects:
1. Font changes are used well, not overdone. Hyperlinks easily seen by color changes.
2. Information broke up into categories.
3. Color changes break up repetition, but maintain simplicity.
Negative aspects:
1. No use of pictures, could enhance in areas if used sparingly.
2. Grid structure forces text in frame. Why not create frame with text itself in areas?
3. Reading pattern changes from top to bottom. No gaps left to right, then different grids followed by empty areas. Pick one and maintain consistency.
Others that get honorable mentions:
#094 DECO -
Tailor Made by Rob Morris -
CSS Zen Ocean by Kai Laborenz
RelaxationTime by Escofier Adeline
zen garden
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
White Stripes show CANCELLED
This is so depressing.
I just found out via MySpace that the White Stripes cancelled the remaining dates on their fall tour because of Meg having acute anxiety and being unable to travel because of it. I understand that they are only human, but dang it!! I missed them at Bonnaroo, and have only seen the Raconteurs live, but never Meg & Jack. Highly disappointed since I bought my ticket the very day that they went on sale.
I was a little mistrusting of the info coming from MySpace, due to password hijacking and such. So to check it out for sure I went to the official white stripes tour page. Sadly, the information was confirmed.
The MySpace bulletin also noted:
The White Stripes sincerely apologize to their fans. “We hate to let people down and are very sorry."
Fans can obtain refunds for their tickets at point of purchase.
Dates affected:
9/13/07 Albuquerque, NM @ Kiva Auditorium
9/15/07 Austin, TX @ Austin City Limits Festival
9/16/07 Austin, TX @ Stubbs Bar-B-Q
9/18/07 San Diego, CA @ Coors Amphitheatre
9/19/07 Inglewood, CA @ The Forum
9/21/07 Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre
9/24/07 Anchorage, AK @ George M. Sullivan Sports Arena
9/26/07 Seattle, WA @ Paramount Ballroom
9/27/07 Seattle, WA @ Paramount Ballroom
9/28/07 Boise, ID @ Idaho Center Theater
9/29/07 Salt Lake City, UT @ The E Center
9/30/07 Jackson Hole, WY @ Snowking Center
10/2/07 Rapid City, SC @ Rushmore Plaza Civic Center
10/3/07 Fargo, ND @ Fargo Civic Auditorium
10/4/07 Lincoln, NE @ Pershing Center Auditorium
10/6/07 Chicago, IL @ Aragon Ballroom
10/7/07 Chicago, IL @ Aragon Ballroom
10/10/07 Honolulu, HI @ Neal S. Blaisdell Center
So basically all the North American Tour dates. The UK dates follow after the previously scheduled Hawaii show that was added about 10 days ago. None of the UK dates are cancelled.
Since refunds are available, and the Lincoln date is close to when they left dates scheduled, I am going to keep my ticket for a while just in case. You never know. The main things that I wish for is for Meg's health to return quickly, and when they reschedule or come around for the next tour that they come to Lincoln again instead of Omaha. Less travelling for a quality show is always nice.
(I was trying to post a song "I Fought Piranhas (Live)" from a bootleg here, but I am at a loss until I know how to manipulate HTML to do it. Hopefully I can correct later.)
I just found out via MySpace that the White Stripes cancelled the remaining dates on their fall tour because of Meg having acute anxiety and being unable to travel because of it. I understand that they are only human, but dang it!! I missed them at Bonnaroo, and have only seen the Raconteurs live, but never Meg & Jack. Highly disappointed since I bought my ticket the very day that they went on sale.
I was a little mistrusting of the info coming from MySpace, due to password hijacking and such. So to check it out for sure I went to the official white stripes tour page. Sadly, the information was confirmed.
The MySpace bulletin also noted:
The White Stripes sincerely apologize to their fans. “We hate to let people down and are very sorry."
Fans can obtain refunds for their tickets at point of purchase.
Dates affected:
9/13/07 Albuquerque, NM @ Kiva Auditorium
9/15/07 Austin, TX @ Austin City Limits Festival
9/16/07 Austin, TX @ Stubbs Bar-B-Q
9/18/07 San Diego, CA @ Coors Amphitheatre
9/19/07 Inglewood, CA @ The Forum
9/21/07 Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre
9/24/07 Anchorage, AK @ George M. Sullivan Sports Arena
9/26/07 Seattle, WA @ Paramount Ballroom
9/27/07 Seattle, WA @ Paramount Ballroom
9/28/07 Boise, ID @ Idaho Center Theater
9/29/07 Salt Lake City, UT @ The E Center
9/30/07 Jackson Hole, WY @ Snowking Center
10/2/07 Rapid City, SC @ Rushmore Plaza Civic Center
10/3/07 Fargo, ND @ Fargo Civic Auditorium
10/4/07 Lincoln, NE @ Pershing Center Auditorium
10/6/07 Chicago, IL @ Aragon Ballroom
10/7/07 Chicago, IL @ Aragon Ballroom
10/10/07 Honolulu, HI @ Neal S. Blaisdell Center
So basically all the North American Tour dates. The UK dates follow after the previously scheduled Hawaii show that was added about 10 days ago. None of the UK dates are cancelled.
Since refunds are available, and the Lincoln date is close to when they left dates scheduled, I am going to keep my ticket for a while just in case. You never know. The main things that I wish for is for Meg's health to return quickly, and when they reschedule or come around for the next tour that they come to Lincoln again instead of Omaha. Less travelling for a quality show is always nice.
(I was trying to post a song "I Fought Piranhas (Live)" from a bootleg here, but I am at a loss until I know how to manipulate HTML to do it. Hopefully I can correct later.)
White Stripes
Monday, September 10, 2007
Bike Trails where there are none...
I have been searching for a decent bike trail map of Lincoln that also includes the Bike Routes that are usually on residential streets where the standard bike trails don't go.
I just moved to the north part of town a month before the start of the semester. The John Dietrich Trail is literally 3 blocks from my house, and will take me to within 3 blocks of the campus trails. But I have been having a problem finding a decent route to work if I choose to bike. There are not enough North/South trails in the middle of town. I don't want to travel clear over to 14th street or 84th street. I was needing something in between like 48th or something.
The map is not perfect, but it is more complete than anything else I have found online, in bike shops, and in phone books. It is made by The Great Plains Trail Network, and the comprehensive map is the Official 2008 trails map.

Hope this helps other bikers who have not discovered it yet.
I have been searching for a decent bike trail map of Lincoln that also includes the Bike Routes that are usually on residential streets where the standard bike trails don't go.
I just moved to the north part of town a month before the start of the semester. The John Dietrich Trail is literally 3 blocks from my house, and will take me to within 3 blocks of the campus trails. But I have been having a problem finding a decent route to work if I choose to bike. There are not enough North/South trails in the middle of town. I don't want to travel clear over to 14th street or 84th street. I was needing something in between like 48th or something.
The map is not perfect, but it is more complete than anything else I have found online, in bike shops, and in phone books. It is made by The Great Plains Trail Network, and the comprehensive map is the Official 2008 trails map.

Hope this helps other bikers who have not discovered it yet.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Creative Entry?
Our only requirement for these postings (besides having three a week) is to have each entry be creative. I realize that this is for a Publication Design class, so does that place any limitation on the content being for this class, or can it represent work for others? Can it be unrelated work for personal gain? Does the work have to be present, or can it be past work, unfinished, in process, etc.?
Speaking of that, since I didn't post all of this stuff on my MySpace blog, I kind of wanted to get ideas/feedback on past artwork (paintings, sculpture, architectural models & plans, drawings, and related) that I would like to revisit or would consider altering in some way.
I have created a portfolio of my work according to what I thought the Architecture college would like for entry into the third year of the program. After talking with the Associate Dean of the college, I am still unsure. He gave me suggestions of how to improve it, but did not say that it was bad work. So I believe what I am dealing with is a layout problem (from what I interpreted from him). I will post the pages I submitted in future blog, and can also post pics of individual works if more detail is needed. I figure this is a great starting point for Graphic Design as well as refining my presentation of my Architecture skills. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Speaking of that, since I didn't post all of this stuff on my MySpace blog, I kind of wanted to get ideas/feedback on past artwork (paintings, sculpture, architectural models & plans, drawings, and related) that I would like to revisit or would consider altering in some way.
I have created a portfolio of my work according to what I thought the Architecture college would like for entry into the third year of the program. After talking with the Associate Dean of the college, I am still unsure. He gave me suggestions of how to improve it, but did not say that it was bad work. So I believe what I am dealing with is a layout problem (from what I interpreted from him). I will post the pages I submitted in future blog, and can also post pics of individual works if more detail is needed. I figure this is a great starting point for Graphic Design as well as refining my presentation of my Architecture skills. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
I am published online!
Just being curious of searching for my own name on the internet (don't ask me why), I came across an old creative works publication that Southeast Community College started and released the first edition the year I graduated. It was kind of nice to know that other people in all kinds of degree programs had similar interests. Anyway, it was fun to find out that the first publication that I contributed to now has new life online.
If you would like to read my poem "The Story of a Glass Heart" that appears in the book, go HERE and download the PDF file for the whole book.
Hope you enjoy!
If you would like to read my poem "The Story of a Glass Heart" that appears in the book, go HERE and download the PDF file for the whole book.
Hope you enjoy!
glass heart,
Thursday, August 30, 2007
First Blog!
Just checking this out for the first time. I have never created a blog on anything else other than MySpace, so I guess we will see how this works. I am creating this initially for my Publications class I am taking right now at UN-L (Fall '07), so guaranteed that it will continue at least until just shy of this Christmas. If this seems enjoyable, and I get a little feedback, I will more than likely continue with it.
This is not the first time I have been on the Blogger web space, however. I do have a couple of friends in Chicago (Paul & Kelley) that use this regularly to post pics and tell about the many "firsts" they have with their two kids. So that is nice to see how they are doing visually as well as being able to read what has been the latest news from their point of view. I do have to say it has many advantages over a phone call or a Xmas card every year.
So hopefully my somewhat daily life can be interesting enough to be documented here, and even more wishful, read by others that know me. So tell me what you think. I want to keep my friends and family in the know, and this way it is on demand!! Who knows, maybe it will start a chain reaction of my good acquaintances, and my Blogger friends will grow.
Only time will tell...
This is not the first time I have been on the Blogger web space, however. I do have a couple of friends in Chicago (Paul & Kelley) that use this regularly to post pics and tell about the many "firsts" they have with their two kids. So that is nice to see how they are doing visually as well as being able to read what has been the latest news from their point of view. I do have to say it has many advantages over a phone call or a Xmas card every year.
So hopefully my somewhat daily life can be interesting enough to be documented here, and even more wishful, read by others that know me. So tell me what you think. I want to keep my friends and family in the know, and this way it is on demand!! Who knows, maybe it will start a chain reaction of my good acquaintances, and my Blogger friends will grow.
Only time will tell...
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